import torch
import networkx as nx
from rnaglib.config.graph_keys import GRAPH_KEYS, TOOL
from rnaglib.algorithms import fix_buggy_edges
from .representation import Representation
[docs]class GraphRepresentation(Representation):
Converts RNA into a Leontis-Westhof graph (2.5D) where nodes are residues
and edges are either base pairs or backbones. Base pairs are annotated with the
Leontis-Westhof classification for canonical and non-canonical base pairs.
[docs] def __init__(
authorized_frameworks = {"nx", "dgl", "pyg"}
assert framework in authorized_frameworks, (
f"Framework {framework} not supported for this representation. " f"Choose one of {authorized_frameworks}."
self.framework = framework
self.clean_edges = clean_edges
self.etype_key = etype_key
self.edge_map = edge_map
def __call__(self, rna_graph, features_dict):
if self.clean_edges:
base_graph = fix_buggy_edges(graph=rna_graph)
base_graph = rna_graph
if self.framework == "nx":
return self.to_nx(base_graph, features_dict)
if self.framework == "dgl":
return self.to_dgl(base_graph, features_dict)
if self.framework == "pyg":
return self.to_pyg(base_graph, features_dict)
def to_nx(self, graph, features_dict):
# Get Edge Labels
edge_type = {(u, v): self.edge_map[data[self.etype_key]] for u, v, data in graph.edges(data=True)}
nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name="edge_type", values=edge_type)
# Add features and targets
for name, encoding in features_dict.items():
nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name=name, values=encoding)
return graph
def to_dgl(self, graph, features_dict):
import dgl
nx_graph = self.to_nx(graph, features_dict)
# Careful ! When doing this, the graph nodes get sorted.
g_dgl = dgl.from_networkx(nx_graph=nx_graph, edge_attrs=["edge_type"], node_attrs=features_dict.keys())
return g_dgl
def to_pyg(self, graph, features_dict):
from import Data
# for some reason from_networkx is not working so doing by hand
# not super efficient at the moment
node_map = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(sorted(graph.nodes()))}
x, y = None, None
if "nt_features" in features_dict:
x = (
torch.stack([features_dict["nt_features"][n] for n in node_map.keys()])
if "nt_features" in features_dict
else None
if "nt_targets" in features_dict:
list_y = [features_dict["nt_targets"][n] for n in node_map.keys()]
# In the case of single target, pytorch CE loss expects shape (n,) and not (n,1)
# For multi-target cases, we stack to get (n,d)
if len(list_y[0]) == 1:
y =
y = torch.stack(list_y)
if "rna_targets" in features_dict:
y = torch.tensor(features_dict["rna_targets"])
edge_index = [[node_map[u], node_map[v]] for u, v in sorted(graph.edges())]
edge_index = torch.tensor(edge_index, dtype=torch.long).T
edge_attrs = [self.edge_map[data[self.etype_key]] for u, v, data in sorted(graph.edges(data=True))]
edge_attrs = torch.tensor(edge_attrs)
return Data(x=x, y=y, edge_attr=edge_attrs, edge_index=edge_index)
def name(self):
return "graph"
def batch(self, samples):
Batch a list of graph samples
:param samples: A list of the output from this representation
:return: a batched version of it.
if self.framework == "nx":
return samples
if self.framework == "dgl":
import dgl
batched_graph = dgl.batch([sample for sample in samples])
return batched_graph
if self.framework == "pyg":
from import Batch
batch = Batch.from_data_list(samples)
# sometimes batching changes dtype from int to float32?
batch.edge_index =
batch.edge_attr =
return batch