
Task objects hold everything you need to feed a prediction model and evaluate its performance on a variety of tasks, as well as to easily implement your own tasks.

Abstract classes

Subclass these to create your own tasks.

Task(root[, recompute, splitter, debug, save])

Abstract class for a benchmarking task using the rnaglib datasets.


RNAClassificationTask(root[, recompute, ...])

RNA-level Classification

These tasks take as input an RNA and predict a property of the whole molecule.

RNAFamilyTask(root[, max_size, splitter])

Predict the Rfam family of a given RNA chain.

BindingSiteDetection(root[, splitter])

Residue-level Classification

These tasks take as input an RNA and predict a property of each residue of the molecule.

ChemicalModification(root[, splitter])

Residue-level binary classification task to predict whether or not a given residue is chemically modified.

InverseFolding(root[, splitter])

Substructure-level Classification

Predict properties of substructures of a whole molecule (e.g. binding sites)

GMSM(root[, splitter])