
Transforms are objects which modify RNA dictionaries in various ways. You can apply a transform to an individual RNA or to a collection (filters can only be applied to collections).

In this example, we add a field 'rfam' with the Rfam ID of an RNA.:

>>> from rnaglib.transforms import RfamTransform
>>> from rnaglib.data_loading import RNADataset
>>> dataset = RNADataset(debug=True)
>>> t = RfamTransform()
>>> t(dataset)
>>> dataset[1]['rna'].graph['rfam']


You can often speed up a transform by passing parallel=True to the transform constructor to apply the transform in parallel.

Simple Transforms

These transforms update the information stored in an RNA dictionary.

Transform([parallel, num_workers])

Transforms modify and add information to an RNA graph via the networkx.Graph data structure.

RfamTransform([parallel, num_workers])

Obtain the Rfam classification of an RNA and store as a graph attribute.

RNAFMTransform([chunking_strategy, ...])

Use the RNA-FM model to compute residue-level embeddings.

PDBIDNameTransform([parallel, num_workers])

Assign the RNA name using its PDBID

ChainNameTransform([parallel, num_workers])

Set the rna.name field using the pdbid and chain ID.


These transforms filter out RNAs from a collection of RNAs based on various criteria.

FilterTransform([parallel, num_workers])

Reject items from a dataset based on some conditions.

SizeFilter([min_size, max_size])

Reject RNAs that are not in the given size bounds.

RNAAttributeFilter(attribute[, value_checker])

Reject RNAs that lack a certain annotation at the whole RNA level.

ResidueAttributeFilter(attribute[, ...])

Reject RNAs that lack a certain annotation at the whole residue-level.


Remove RNA if ribosomal


These transforms take an RNA and return an iterator of RNAs. Useful for splitting the RNA into substructures (e.g. by chain ID, binding pockets, etc.)

PartitionTransform([parallel, num_workers])

Break up a whole RNAs into substructures.

ChainSplitTransform([parallel, num_workers])

Split up an RNA by chain.


These transforms convert a raw RNA into a geometric representation such as graph, voxel and point cloud.


Callable object that accepts a raw RNA networkx object along with features and target vector representations and returns a representation of it (e.g.

GraphRepresentation([clean_edges, ...])

Converts RNA into a Leontis-Westhof graph (2.5D) where nodes are residues and edges are either base pairs or backbones.

PointCloudRepresentation([hstack, sorted_nodes])

Converts RNA into a point cloud based representation

VoxelRepresentation([spacing, padding, sigma])

Converts RNA into a voxel based representation


These transforms take an annotation in the RNA and cast it into a feature vector.

FeaturesComputer([nt_features, nt_targets, ...])

This class takes as input an RNA in the networkX form and computes the features_dict which maps node IDs to a tensor of features.