import sys
import os
import traceback
import json
import pickle
import requests
import urllib
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple
from collections import defaultdict
import requests
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import tarfile
import zipfile
import networkx as nx
from Bio.PDB.PDBList import PDBList
ZENODO_RECORD = "14325403"
def multigraph_to_simple(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> nx.DiGraph:
"""Convert directed multi graph to simple directed graph.
When multiple edges are found between two nodes, we keep backbone.
simple_g = nx.DiGraph()
backbone_types = ["B53", "B35"]
# first pass adds the backbones
for u, v, data in g.edges(data=True):
etype = data["LW"]
if etype in backbone_types:
simple_g.add_edge(u, v, **data)
# second pass adds non-canonicals when no backbone exists
basepairs = []
for u, v, data in g.edges(data=True):
etype = data["LW"]
if etype not in backbone_types and not simple_g.has_edge(u, v):
basepairs.append((u, v, data))
for n, data in g.nodes(data=True):
if n in simple_g.nodes():
simple_g.graph = g.graph.copy()
return simple_g
[docs]def dump_json(filename, graph):
Just a shortcut to dump a json graph more compactly.
:param filename: The dump name
:param graph: The graph to dump
# This is important for nx versionning retrocompatibility
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
g_json = json_graph.node_link_data(graph)
except Exception as e:
g_json = nx.node_link_data(graph, edges="links")
with open(filename, "w") as f:
json.dump(g_json, f, indent=2)
[docs]def load_json(filename):
Just a shortcut to load a json graph more compactly.
:param filename: The dump name
:return: The loaded graph
with open(filename, "r") as f:
js_graph = json.load(f)
# This is important for nx versionning retrocompatibility
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
out_graph = json_graph.node_link_graph(js_graph)
except Exception as e:
out_graph = nx.node_link_graph(js_graph, edges="links")
return out_graph
[docs]def load_graph(filename, multigraph=False):
This is a utility function that supports loading from json or pickle.
Sometimes, the pickle also contains rings in the form of a node dict,
in which case the rings are added into the graph
:param filename: json or pickle filename
:return: networkx DiGraph object
if filename.endswith("json"):
graph = load_json(filename)
elif filename.endswith("p"):
pickled = pickle.load(open(filename, "rb"))
# Depending on the data versionning, the object contained in the pickles is
# - a graph with noderings in the nodes
# - a dict {graph: , rings: }
if isinstance(pickled, dict):
graph = pickled["graph"]
# rings is a dict of dict {ring_type : {node : ring}}
rings = pickled["rings"]
for ring_type, noderings in rings.items():
nx.set_node_attributes(G=graph, name=f"{ring_type}_annots", values=noderings)
graph = pickled
raise NotImplementedError("We have not implemented this data format yet")
if not multigraph and isinstance(graph, nx.MultiDiGraph):
graph = multigraph_to_simple(graph)
# 1.0.0 compatibility patch
if isinstance(graph.graph["pdbid"], list):
graph.graph["pdbid"] = graph.graph["pdbid"][0]
return graph
def get_name_extension(filename, permissive=False):
if filename.endswith(".json"):
fname, extension = filename[:-5], filename[-5:]
elif filename.endswith(".p"):
fname, extension = filename[:-2], filename[-2:]
if permissive:
fname, extension = filename, None
raise NotImplementedError(f"We have not implemented this data format yet: {filename}")
return fname, extension
def get_all_existing(dataset_path: os.PathLike, all_rnas: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Tuple[List[str], str]:
Return list of graph IDs in a given dataset directory in sorted() order. If you pass ``all_rnas``
as a list of, returns the graph IDs in ``all_rnas`` that have a matching file in the dataset folder.
:param dataset_path: where all the RNA JSONs are stored.
:param all_rnas: list of RNA names to search for (e.g. ``'1aju'`` will match ``'1aju.json'`` in ``dataset_path``.
:return: List of filenames in ``dataset_path``
_, extension = get_name_extension(os.listdir(dataset_path)[0])
# By default, return a sorted listdir
if all_rnas is None:
return [Path(g).stem for g in sorted(os.listdir(dataset_path))], extension
# Filter out existing ones, and print message if there is a difference
existing_all_rnas = [g_name for g_name in all_rnas if os.path.exists(Path(dataset_path) / f"{g_name}{extension}")]
size_diff = len(all_rnas) - len(existing_all_rnas)
if size_diff > 0:
print(f"{size_diff} graphs were missing from {dataset_path} compared to asked graphs")
return existing_all_rnas, extension
def get_default_download_dir():
Get the absolute path to the download directory.
dirname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".rnaglib/")
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(dirname, "downloads"))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(dirname, "datasets"))
return dirname
def download(url, path=None, overwrite=True, retries=5, verify_ssl=True, log=True):
Download a given URL.
Codes borrowed from mxnet/gluon/
:param url: URL to download.
:param path: Destination path to store downloaded file. By default stores to the current directory
with the same name as in url.
:param overwrite: Whether to overwrite the destination file if it already exists.
By default always overwrites the downloaded file.
:param retries: The number of times to attempt downloading in case of failure or non 200 return codes.
:param verify_ssl: bool, default True. Verify SSL certificates.
:param log: bool, default True Whether to print the progress for download
:return: The file path of the downloaded file.
if path is None:
fname = url.split("/")[-1]
# Empty filenames are invalid
assert fname, "Can't construct file-name from this URL. " "Please set the `path` option manually."
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
if os.path.isdir(path):
fname = os.path.join(path, url.split("/")[-1])
fname = path
assert retries >= 0, "Number of retries should be at least 0"
if not verify_ssl:
"Unverified HTTPS request is being made (verify_ssl=False). "
"Adding certificate verification is strongly advised."
if overwrite or not os.path.exists(fname):
dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(fname)))
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
while retries + 1 > 0:
# Disable pyling too broad Exception
# pylint: disable=W0703
if log:
print("Downloading %s from %s..." % (fname, url))
r = requests.get(url, stream=True, verify=verify_ssl)
total_length = int(r.headers.get("content-length"))
if r.status_code != 200:
raise RuntimeError("Failed downloading url %s" % url)
with open(fname, "wb") as f:
dl = 0
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
dl += len(chunk)
if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
done = int(50 * dl / total_length)
"\r[%s%s] %.2f %%"
% (
"=" * done,
" " * (50 - done),
dl / total_length * 100,
except Exception as e:
retries -= 1
if retries <= 0:
raise e
if log:
"download failed, retrying, {} attempt{} left".format(retries, "s" if retries > 1 else "")
return fname
def download_name_generator(version="1.0.0", redundancy="nr", annotated=False, record="14325118", debug=False):
This returns the zenodo URL given dataset choices.
:param version: Which data version to use.
:param redundancy: Whether we want all RNA structures or just a filtered set
:param annotated: Whether to include pre-computed annotation for each node with information
to be used by kernel functions
# Find remote url and get download link
# full =
if annotated:
if version == "1.0.0":
print("Annotated version for v 1.0.0 not available. Try a higher version")
return None
return f"{record}/files/rnaglib-{redundancy}-{version}-annotated.tar.gz?download=1"
return f"{record}/files/rnaglib-{redundancy}-{version}.tar.gz?download=1"
[docs]def download_graphs(
Based on the options, get the right data from the latest release and put it in download_dir.
:param redundancy: Whether to include all RNAs or just a non-redundant set as defined by BGSU
:param annotated: Whether to include graphlet annotations in the graphs. This will also create a hashing directory and table
:param overwrite: To overwrite existing data
:param download_dir: Where to save this data. Defaults to ~/.rnaglib/
:param store_pdbs: Whether to store assocaited PDBs in ~/.rnaglib/structures
:return: the path of the data along with its hashing.
if debug:
redundancy = "debug"
# Get the correct names for the download option and download the correct files
hashing_path = None
if data_root is None:
data_root = get_default_download_dir()
if debug:
tag = f"rnaglib-debug-{version}"
tag = f"rnaglib-{redundancy}-{version}{'-chop' if chop else ''}{'-' + 'annotated' if annotated else ''}"
url = download_name_generator(
redundancy=redundancy, version=version, annotated=annotated, debug=debug, record=ZENODO_RECORD
dl_path = Path(data_root) / "downloads" / Path(tag + ".tar.gz")
data_path = Path(data_root) / "datasets"
if not os.path.exists(data_path / tag) or overwrite:
print("Required database not found, launching a download. This should take about a minute")
print(f"Fetching {url}")
print(f"Downloading to : {dl_path}")
print(f"Saving to : {data_path}")
download(path=dl_path, url=url)
# Expand the compressed files at the right location
with as tar_file:
if get_pdbs:
print("Fetching PDB structures")
pdb_path = data_path / tag / "structures"
pdb_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
rna_list = [Path(p).stem for p in os.listdir(data_path / tag / "graphs")]
update_RNApdb(pdb_path, rna_list=rna_list, nr_only=redundancy == "nr")
print(f"Database was found and not overwritten")
return os.path.join(data_root, "datasets", tag)
def available_pdbids(
if debug:
tag = f"rnaglib-debug-{version}"
tag = f"rnaglib-{redundancy}-{version}{'-chop' if chop else ''}{'-' + 'annotated' if annotated else ''}"
if graph_dir is None:
dl_dir = get_default_download_dir()
graph_path = os.path.join(dl_dir, "datasets", tag, "graphs")
if not os.path.exists(graph_path):
print(f"Data build {graph_path} download not found. Use rnaglib_download to fetch")
return None
graph_path = graph_dir
return [os.path.splitext(g)[0] for g in os.listdir(graph_path)]
[docs]def graph_from_pdbid(
"""Fetch an annotated graph with a PDBID.
:param pdbid: PDB id to fetch
:param graph_dir: path containing annotated graphs
:param graph_format: which format to load (JSON, or networkx)
tag = f"rnaglib-{redundancy}-{version}{'-chop' if chop else ''}{'-' + 'annotated' if annotated else ''}"
if graph_format == "nx":
graph_name = os.path.join(pdbid.lower() + ".nx")
elif graph_format == "json":
graph_name = os.path.join(pdbid.lower() + ".json")
raise ValueError(f"Invalid graph format {graph_format}. Use NetworkX or JSON.")
graph_path = None
# Try in look into the existing data, we need to check for both annotated and graphs, as well as in each dl
if graph_dir is None:
dl_dir = get_default_download_dir()
graph_path = os.path.join(dl_dir, "datasets", tag, "graphs", graph_name)
if not os.path.exists(graph_path):
"The required pdb was not found in existing default downloads, "
"please provide a path to look for the graph"
return None
graph_path = os.path.join(graph_dir, graph_name)
graph = load_graph(graph_path)
return graph
def get_rna_list(nr_only=False):
Fetch a list of PDBs containing RNA from RCSB API.
payload = {
"query": {
"type": "terminal",
"service": "text",
"parameters": {
"attribute": "rcsb_entry_info.polymer_entity_count_RNA",
"operator": "greater",
"value": 0,
"request_options": {"results_verbosity": "compact", "return_all_hits": True},
"return_type": "entry",
payload = json.dumps(payload)
encoded_query = urllib.parse.quote(payload)
url = f"{encoded_query}"
r = requests.get(url)
response_dict = json.loads(r.text)
ids = [p.lower() for p in response_dict["result_set"]]
if nr_only:
nr_chains = [c.lower() for c in get_NRchains("4.0A")]
ids = [pdbid.lower() for pdbid in ids if pdbid in nr_chains]
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occured when querying RCSB or BGSU Atlas")
return ids
def get_NRlist(resolution):
Get non-redudant RNA list from the BGSU website
:param resolution: minimum rseolution to apply
base_url = ""
release = "current" # can be replaced with a specific release id, e.g. 0.70
# release = '3.186'
url = "/".join([base_url, release, resolution])
df = pd.read_csv(url, header=None)
repr_set = []
for ife in df[1]:
return repr_set
def load_csv(input_file, quiet=False):
Load a csv of from of representative set
:param input_file: path to csv file
:param quiet: set to true to turn off warnings
:return repr_set: list of equivalence class RNAs
NRlist = []
with open(input_file, "r") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
except csv.Error as e:
if not quiet:
print(f"Warning error {e} found when trying to parse row: \n {row}")
return NRlist
def parse_NRlist(NRlist):
Parse NR BGSU csv file for a list of non-redundant RNA chains
list can be downloaded from:
:param NRlist: Set of representative RNAs output (see load_csv())
:return: set of non-redundant RNA chains (tuples of (structure, model, chain))
NRchains = defaultdict(set)
# split into each IFE (Integrated Functional Element)
for representative in NRlist:
items = representative.split("+")
for entry in items:
pbid, model, chain = entry.split("|")
return NRchains
def get_NRchains(resolution):
Get a map of non redundant IFEs (integrated functional elements) from
:param resolution: (string) one of
[1.0A, 1.5A, 2.0A, 2.5A, 3.0A, 3.5A, 4.0A, 20.0A]
:return: Dictionary, keys=PDB IDs, Values=(set) Chain IDs
NR_list = get_NRlist(resolution)
return parse_NRlist(NR_list)
def update_RNApdb(pdir, nr_only=True, rna_list=None, debug=False):
Download a list of RNA containing structures from the PDB
overwrite exising files
:param pdbdir: path containing downloaded PDBs
:param rna_list: list of PDBIDs to download
:param debug: only download a few structures if True.
:returns rna: list of PDBIDs that were fetched.
print(f"Updating PDB mirror in {pdir}")
# Get a list of PDBs containing RNA
if not rna_list is None:
rna = set(rna_list)
rna = set(get_rna_list(nr_only=nr_only))
if debug:
rna = set(list(rna)[:10])
pl = PDBList()
# If not fully downloaded before, download all structures
pl.download_pdb_files(rna, pdir=pdir, overwrite=False)
added, mod, obsolete = pl.get_recent_changes()
# Download new and modded entries
new_rna = rna.intersection(set(added).union(set(mod)))
pl.download_pdb_files(new_rna, pdir=pdir, overwrite=True)
# Remove Obsolete entries
obsolete_dir = os.path.join(pdir, "obsolete")
if not os.path.exists(obsolete_dir):
for cif in os.listdir(pdir):
if cif[-8:-4].upper() in set(obsolete):
os.rename(os.path.join(pdir, cif), os.path.join(obsolete_dir, cif))
return rna
def get_Ribochains():
Get a list of all PDB structures containing RNA and have the text 'ribosome'
:return: dictionary, keys=pbid, value='all'
q1 = Attr("rcsb_entry_info.polymer_entity_count_RNA") >= 1
q2 = TextQuery("ribosome")
query = q1 & q2
results = set(query())
# print("textquery len: ", len(set(q2())))
# print("RNA query len: ", len(set(q1())))
# print("intersection len: ", len(results))
return set(query())
def get_NonRibochains():
Get a list of all PDB structures containing RNA
and do not have the text 'ribosome'
:return: dictionary, keys=pbid, value='all'
q1 = Attr("rcsb_entry_info.polymer_entity_count_RNA") >= 1
q2 = TextQuery("ribosome")
return set(q1()).difference(set(q2()))
def get_Custom(text):
Get a list of all PDB structures containing RNA
and do not have the text 'ribosome'
:return: dictionary, keys=pbid, value='all'
q1 = Attr("rcsb_entry_info.polymer_entity_count_RNA") >= 1
q2 = TextQuery(text)
query = q1 & q2
return set(query())
if __name__ == "__main__":
# tmp_path = '../../examples/2du5.json'
# g = load_json(tmp_path)
# print(g.nodes())
default = get_default_download_dir()